Chiro 2 Rehab


By Houston Smith, DC

Multi-Joint Approach

Quality over quantity is a tale as old as time. Tell me.. would you rather buy a pair of boots from a true craftsman, or the discount shelf at Walmart? The craftsman uses high quality materials that last a lifetime, while the latter wants to make a quick buck off of you. This is how one should think about rehab and exercise. Choose quality over quantity.

With that said, its important that a rehab roadmap is tailored to your specific needs. This individualized approach ensures that we address unique limitations A to optimize recovery and avoid a flare up. A thorough assessment allows us to design a targeted program that incorporates strength training, flexibility exercises, and functional movements, which are essential for regaining independence. We focus on global movement patterns that work across several different joints simultaneously. A few examples include: kettlebell windmills, Turkish get ups, and single leg RDLs. With multiple joints working together, a rhythm can be established and our bodies learn best through repeatable, fluid movements. Further, we can speed up or slow down the movement to create plasticity in the brain. Another benefit of working multiple joints simultaneously is the synergistic effect of muscle groups and soft tissues. When the body is performing a task like a fluid exercise, it’s useful to recruit muscles away from the site of stress to aid in stabilization. Learning to use this valuable method of training will further sensitize the central nervous system and allow natural stabilization to occur.

Holistic Benefits

Effective rehabilitation goes beyond physical recovery. Quality rehab exercises can improve mental health through endorphin release, and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). We encourage rehab exercises be performed at the end of a treatment to improve brain-muscle connections and to flush the target area with fresh blood and nutrients.

The Role of Technology

Advancements in technology have further enhanced the delivery of rehab exercises. Wearable devices and telehealth platforms enable real-time monitoring and feedback, ensuring patients adhere to their exercise regimens. This support can significantly improve outcomes and patient engagement. At Chiro 2 Rehab we utilize 3rd party software to deliver exercise prescriptions for increased compliance and better outcomes.


Quality rehab exercises are a vital component of effective recovery. By learning and practicing rehab skills, our physical bodies will heal naturally and become resilient. Our job as your healthcare provider is to focus on individualized care, address your needs, and utilize new technologies to help you return to pain-free activity.

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