Yes. We are in network with most major insurance carriers including BCBS, Aetna, Medicare, NC state health plan, Cigna, MedCost, and several others. Please allow 24 hours for us to verify your insurance coverage before your office visit. 

Find out more information by calling or texting 919-443-2447.

Make an appointment online from the comfort of your home or on your smartphone from our homepage.

We offer excellent service at an affordable price. Ask about our monthly wellness plans. We are also members of the ChiroHealthUSA network. Call us at 919-443-2447 to learn more.

Each patient receives a comprehensive treatment plan and exercise roadmap that outlines their care up to 6 weeks at a time. We will always perform re-examinations as necessary during each phase of care. We strongly encourage following your treatment plan for best results. See our monthly wellness plans designed for maintenance care.

An initial visit includes a chiropractic examination, 3D movement screen, and deep dive into your history. Light treatment may be necessary in limited cases. Initial visits are approximately 1 hour. 

In your follow up visits, the doctor will identify any spinal joint blockages and correct them with adjustments. Soft-tissue treatment may be necessary to improve or enhance muscle firing patterns. After your adjustment the doctor or staff will lead you through exercise progressions outlined in your treatment plan to improve your mobility, coordination, and strength.

An exercise roadmap is a specific set of exercise progressions and mobility drills that will improve your condition, flexibility, strength, and maintain your gains made in the office. Each patient leaves our office with a written guideline to obliterate their health goals.